High-Res Ocean interest group

From gfi

This is the page of the High-Res Ocean interest group at BCCR.

We are a group of researchers working with high resolution ocean model and reanalysis data. This platform is for informal exchange. The group also has a mailing list high-res-ocean@uib.no

Data of interest

Overview of data sources:
Name of data Model Institution Time period Region Horizontal resolution Time increment Info link
GLORYS12V1 NEMO, forced by ERA-Interim/ERA5 Mercator Océan International 1993-2020 Global 1/12° 24h and monthly https://data.marine.copernicus.eu/product/GLOBAL_MULTIYEAR_PHY_001_030/description
TOPAZ4b HYCOM, forced by ERA5 NERSC 1991-2021 Arctic Ocean (50-90N) 12.5 km x 12.5 km 24h, monthly, annual https://data.marine.copernicus.eu/product/ARCTIC_MULTIYEAR_PHY_002_003/description
CESM-HR CESM-HR ... 500 years PI control + 1850-2100 (several members) + Idealised CO2 runs (1%co2, 4xco2) global 0.1-deg ocn/ice, 0.25-deg atm/lnd ... https://ihesp.github.io/archive/products/ds_archive/Sunway_Runs.html ; Chang et al., 2020, JAMES; Zhang et al., 2020, GMD; higher resolution simulations: https://academic.oup.com/nsr/article/10/6/nwad069/7081329
NorESM2-MX NorESM2-MX ... 50 years (new) PI spin-up completed; Planned: new spin-up with hybrid vertical coordinate in the ocean (current one is with isopycnal coordinate); Planned: a future run, tbd - idealised CO2 (?); isopynal or hybrid vertical coordinate global 0.125-deg ocn/ice, 1-deg atm/lnd ... ...
ASTE ECCOv4r3 University of Texas at Austin 2002-2017 Arctic Ocean and surrounding seas (including the Atlantic Ocean until 32 degS, and Pacific Ocean until 47 degN) 1/3 degree Daily/monthly https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2020MS002398 get data here: https://web.corral.tacc.utexas.edu/OceanProjects/ASTE/Release1/
ORAS5 ... ... 1958-2022 global 25 km x 25km/75 ocean level monthly https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-oras5?tab=overview (stored at /nird/projects/NS8121K/reanalysis/ORAS5/)
HighResMIP ... ... 1950-2100 global about 25 km x 25km daily, monthly https://highresmip.org
GOFS 3.1 HYCOM, forced by NCEP forecast systems CFSR and CFSv2 Naval Research Laboratory: Ocean Dynamics and Prediction Branch 1994-2015 Global 0.08° (between 40°S and 40°N), 0.04° (poleward of these latitudes) 3h https://www.hycom.org/dataserver/gofs-3pt1/reanalysis
... regional version of MITgcm Johns Hopkins University 2007-2008; 2017-2018 Nordic Seas 2-4 km 6h https://oceanspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datasets.html; Almansi et al., 2017, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-170129.s1; Spall et al., 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102609
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